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Learn the art of Gilding with Ceramic Artist Rachel Murphy, who has been gilding in Gold for 18 years. With a Bachelor of Design and work in prominent galleries throughout NZ. Rachel is passionate about her work and loves the process of gilding.


You will learn initially how to Gild with imitation Gold leaf and then move on to the application of real 24K Gold leaf to an object or a ceramic heart. A gilding process handout will be provided, which outlines items that can be gilded, what materials you need and detailed description of how to gild, with tips and tricks.


The effect of gold leaf on objects is quite spectacular and creates a luxury feel, which has been used to beautify architecture, furniture, objects and paintings for centuries.

The impact of Gold leaf on objects cannot be achieved with any other material and once you learn the basic technique you’re away!




Upcoming Workshop


There are no workshops booked at the moment, however if you would like

a one on one tutorial, within Auckland, Rachel can discuss doing this

with you. 

3 Hours one on one

Cost: $200 + $50 materials

(includes imitation gold and real 24 carat gold leaf)


Gold vessel.jpg

In this class you will learn the basics of slip casting, creating pieces and mould making, in both domestic ware and sculptural pieces. Have fun with layering coloured clays and experimenting with pattern making and cutting away techniques.

The Slip casting process is using moulds and a watery clay called slip, which is poured into the moulds, the mould absorbs water from the slip and once the excess has been poured back out, you are left with a layer of clay on the inside of the mould. The slip can be coloured or white and layers can be built up creating pattern and interest. 
No previous experience in clay or art is necessary.




Upcoming Class/ Workshop


A Class is coming up in Helensville, if you are interested please make contact


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